
All cancellations must be 48 hours prior to appointment, and as a change of date only. No refunds shall be made after the session has been booked. Any and all “no-shows” will lose their payment and are not eligible for a refund.


All energy, sound and reading sessions provided by Abby Lynn are for educational and spiritual development purposes only. Any information or healing given during the session is for the purpose of guidance. Abby Lynn will not be held legally reliable for any actions taken by the client after the appointment. Content covered during your appointment shall not be considered a substitute for medical diagnosis or treatment, legal, financial, psychological or business advice. Abby Lynn is not a licensed medical provider or Licensed therapist. Clients with serious medical or psychological conditions should consult with an appropriate health care practitioner. By choosing to book an appointment, I understand various healing practices will be utilized during my session, knowing the results will differ from individual to individual. There is no guarantee of change or improvement due to factors beyond my control or the control of Abby Lynn.