Every individual has nine-totem animals representing the medicine they carry on their Earth Walk. The purpose of the nine-totem animal card reading is to offer profound guidance, inspiration, and clarity by revealing the unique power animals that represent your abilities, talents, and challenges. This reading aims to facilitate healing for your body, emotions, mind, and spirit, while providing deep insights into your life purpose and the medicine you carry on your Earth Walk.
In this reading, you will discover your totem animals for the seven directions surrounding your physical body: East, South, West, North, Above, Below, and Within. The direction Within exists both within you and around you, as the entire universe is inside your consciousness. Each direction has a totem animal to teach you its lessons. Additionally, the last two animals walk at your sides at all times, representing your left (feminine) and right (masculine) aspects. These animals may be ones you’ve always felt drawn to or encountered in dreams. Together, these nine animals constitute your medicine, offering guidance and power throughout your life. With this knowledge, you can call upon these animals whenever you need their support.
Kick of the New Year with clarity, guidance and support from your Spiritual Team!!
Book this 30 minute session and come prepared with questions.
For 30 minutes we will sit with spirit and allow them to channel their loving energy!